Is Evil simply Live in Reverse?

A little musing on the notion of Evil

Evil has no self-existence

Sometimes our action is right and sometimes our action is wrong. When our actions are sufficiently wrong, we call them evil. What do we mean by right or wrong? One of the complementary opposites is in accord with our true nature and one is not. What is our true nature? One nature is true and the other is not. If you do not know your true nature, then you simply are not. No one is good or evil; evil has no existence without volitional actions. Likewise for good.

It is our actions that have evil effects or good effects. Until there is a realisation that you are being moved around by causes and effects yourself, you will assume that you are the originator of these causes and effects. Freedom from this seemingly perpetual state of bondage is often called liberation. Liberation is simply the freedom of being your true nature, which we will call 'you' even though you are not you, until you are the true you, which of course is not you. In truth, your true nature is not 'you', and not 'not you'. It is in the space between the 'you' and the 'not you' that you are. In that space there is no separation between the two. Therefore, you are always you, even when you are dreaming someone else. That good or evil person. That good or evil you.